资产(Capital) |
居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index (CPI)) |
资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)) |
创利额(Contribution Margin) |
资本支出(Capital Expenditure) |
相互关系(Correlation) |
现代资本主义(Capitalism) |
相互系数(Correlation Coefficient) |
中心极限定理(Central Limit Theorem (CLT)) |
商品销售成本(Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)) |
特许财经分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)) |
创造性破坏(Creative Destruction) |
首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer (CEO)) |
信贷违约掉期(Credit Default Swap (CDS)) |
道德规范(Code of Ethics) |
流动比例(Current Ratio) |
变异系数(Coefficient of Variation (CV)) |
售后服务(Customer Service) |
抵押物(Collateral) |
年复合增长率(Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)) |
集中管制经济(Command Economy) |
复利息(Compound Interest) |
比较优势理论(Comparative Advantage) |
冲突理论(Conflict Theory) |